Thursday, July 20, 2006


So yesterday, after just emailing one of our helpers up in Nazareth, I hear the news that the town has been struck twice, killing a couple of brothers. It's really sad news and makes me wish I was still there all the more, I just want to be able to hug my friends. I'm sure the camp will be cancelled again, it is such a shame. This situation causes so much pain. I hear that one of the strikes could be seen from the house I was staying at. It's also more and more difficult to hear news of strikes in Israel, as the news has become bored of that and is now focussing on the evacuation of foreign nationals from lebanon.

We have found some work to do nearby, helping at tent of nations which has a really great philosophy, run by a wonderful christian arab on whose land the camp is set. It just feels a bit odd cos we are only there a couple of days, and I don't really feel the contection that I did up in Raineh.

Back at the weekend Insh'Allah

1 comment:

Phil said...

hiya mate

hope all is ok?

i'm good for transport to greenbelt thanks. but it would be good to grab a drink or something while we're there.
