Thursday, June 16, 2005

Rice Meal

At the moment the finance ministers from the G8 countries are meeting in Sheffield and this evening they were having an exclusive meal at the Cutlers Hall. They were also invited to another meal, one in Devonshire Green where they could join hundreds of people sharing a meal of rice. A simple meal, that constitutes the staple for a large proportion of the world's population. I thought it was a great idea and went along with some friends from church and work. It wa a great event, loads of people sharing in a meal in order to raise awareness of the Make Poverty history campaign. There were several speakers, by far the best was Inderjit Bhogal, who again raised really valid points (rather than spouting pop stars he'd seen, like the first speaker). Reminding us that even the simple meal we had shared today was more than a lot of people would eat today, and for that reason many people would die, and it's not by handing out charity that will solve the problem, but campaigning for a fairer world that enables there to be sufficient for all.
There were loads of police around, and despite it being peaceful, their presence really does leave a feeling of unease. Was going to take my camera so I could share some photos of the event - but I forgot!

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