Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No sex please.....confessions

So it was the final episode of No sex please, we're teenagers last night, and I think on reflection it has been a good programme. I have grown to like some of the characters, and it has been great hearing teenagers talk honestly and openly about sex and relations.

What really struck me about last night's episode was the occassion with all the participants gathered around and the leaders asked the group if any of them had failed in remaining abstinant for the 5 month period. Not to show them up, but giving them a chance to admit their failure to the group and to the leaders, so that when it came to graduating they would feel good about taking part in the ceremony rather than feeling guilty because they hadn't shared their failings. Well as you can imagine there was a time of silence, but the was broken by Janine, who was first to admit that she had failed by having sex early on in the process. But she shared her feelings about her failure and the group showed her support, as did the leaders. She wasn't made to feel that she had done something terrible, but was comended for her honesty. The leaders mentioned that they wanted to show unconditional love for the group despite their failings. Once Janine had shared with the group then others followed, and all those who shared with the group said independently to the camera how it had made them feel so much better in getting it out in the open.

It made me think about confession and forgiveness. Apparently the early methodist class groups would meet and share openly and honestly together the sins that they'd done that week and together they would ask for forgiveness. The roman catholic church continue the tradition of confessing sins openly, whereas today there is a silent time for confessing sins during a prayer. A time that lasts about 10s, just enough time for you to try and think about something before the opportunity has gone. Should we confess more openly in groups? Is it helpful in our receiving forgiveness from God. Probably not, but the support from peers can help us feel forgiven, especially if we feel we've let them down. Though I don't think confession in front of any group is helpful, must remember this group of teenagers had become very close during their four months together. But perhaps there is some kind of precedence for confession to more than God......?

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