Monday, September 05, 2005

Synod, forgetful and a new job

It suddenly occured to me last night that on saturday it is district synod, and as I was a rep to conference in june i had been asked to give a short 2 min presentation on one of the reports. For some reason I opted for proably the most dificult and sensitive reports of conference, the Pilgramage of Faith report on human sexuality. The report can be read on the link if you have a spare hour! Was just mulling over the report tonight when I suddenly thought I hadn't got anyone to nominate me for conference 2006. Dug out my synod mailing that I'd filed away on receipt a few weeks ago to discover that the deadline for nominations was last saturday. Rang up the secretary and there was no chance of getting put on the list cos it had already been prepared for the printers. What an idiot forgetting about it. I just wanted to see if I could get one more year, especially as it was in Edinburgh and a friend of mine would be getting ordained too. Typical.

Had my first day of a new temping job today. Back to being a supply lab technician for a school. Was worried that I wouldn't be able to remember any science - but it all came flooding back. Arrived too early, cos I feared being late. Bit boring today, as it was teacher training - no kids. Was shown where the test tubes were kept etc. and asked how much about chemicals and stuff I knew - felt a bit uncomfortable and said I knew a fair bit, got a-levels and stuff whilst thinking that I'm probably more qualified at science then most of the teachers.

Hope a proper job will come up soon..................

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